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瘋了! 真是瘋了! 有誰會買一台價值5千多萬台幣的LCD TV放在家裏看? IT產業真是做到沒東西做了嗎? 連LCD TV 也可以鑲上20克拉的鑽石來賣..這台應該是品牌宣示的意味濃過於銷售吧..
Report News from Http://aving.net.usa

YALOS displayed its luxury 40-inch LCD TV ‘Yalos Diamond’ adopting Samsung’s panel during IFA 2007, which is designed with 20 carrot diamond and valued 1,200,000(EUR).

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News report From http://aving.net.usa

BERLIN, Germany (AVING Special Report on 'IFA 2007') -- Xounts presented its combination lighting and speaker during IFA 2007, which features its DIY shade.

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